Daily Delight

I was sitting at a park by myself a few years ago, about to open up a book to read. However, I became distracted by a little girl laughing. I watched her run as fast as she could to gather enough momentum to lift her kite off the ground. Her little legs reached top speed and the kite started to rise. But it didn't take long for her run to turn into a jog, which quickly shifted to a walk and finally, a complete stop. Meanwhile, the kite was losing all its motivation to stay off the grass. Right before the girl collapsed to the ground exhausted, an older boy, who I assumed was her brother, came to her rescue and collected the kite in his hands. He began running with a face full of determination, clearly showing that he wasn’t giving up anytime soon. The little girl looked at her brother smiling and found the energy to get up and run along behind him. 
While I didn't read much of my book that day, those kids taught me a lesson. Life will inevitably throw challenges your way - chances are, you are facing one right now. Often it feels like flying your kite can become tiring and constantly running to keep it in the air is exhausting. When we lose all momentum and start to fall behind, our kite naturally begins to drop. The best part is that right before we collapse and feel like we will never get back up again, God comes along and picks up the kite in His hands. He holds onto it and doesn't let go. He runs at full speed, not losing sight of where we need to be - which sometimes is completely different to where we want to be. 
"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
-Proverbs 3:5 (MSG)
While often it feels like we are running this race on our own, God wants us to trust Him and know that He has our back. 
"Trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world." -John 16:32-33 (MSG)
{photo: @elissagram

About the Author

Jessica Shipton≫ ≫ Jessica is a twenty-year old student in her third and final year at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia. She is studying a Bachelor of Communication, completing a double major in Digital & Social Media and Public Communications (Advertising). 
Jessica enjoys traveling and holds a passion for God, people and writing. Her personal blog is where these three things combine to create something special in an attempt to inspire, encourage and bless others. You can find it here!

Daily Delight


Daily Delight