Daily Delight

Have you ever felt restricted by your circumstances? I know you have, and I have too. So, here’s some good news from God to us.

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin." -Hebrews 4:15 (ESV)

I’ve been pondering the idea of feeling restricted—stuck, even—in circumstances which seem to be diametrically opposed to the accomplishment of God’s mission for us on earth. Certainly Mary could have felt this way at times. I sometimes look at what’s happening in my life and wonder how the losses could lead to victory.

And then I realize my focus is wrong. Through scripture reading and prayer this week, the Holy Spirit pierced my anxious, and sometimes hopeless, feelings with the light of God’s truth. Jesus is our example, not Mary, for the way God fulfills His absolutely incredible plan of perfection through our restrictions and limitations of the flesh.

Suddenly it occurred to me—our uncontainable God, the Word who spoke all the vastness of the universe into existence, purposefully restricted Himself inside Mary’s womb. Today, I am freshly amazed that God’s plan was for Jesus to experience the fullness of our limitations in broken flesh. Yet, Jesus perfectly and fully accomplished the mission for which God sent His Son. The really good news is that Jesus is able to help us through the stuck places and the temptation to doubt God’s good plan (Hebrews 2:17-18, NLT).

So, when the lies of the enemy whisper constant accusations against God’s faithfulness, run to Jesus. When your own self-talk screams hopelessness and failure, run to Jesus. Tell Him everything. He understands. He will help you. And His mission for you will be accomplished just as He promised—even if it looks different than you imagined.

{photo: @taylorwinkelmeyer}

About the Author
Lisa Brittain


Lisa Brittain and her husband, Randy, will soon be married 30 years. Together they are parents of two adult sons, and share their home with three adopted pups. By day Lisa works as a receptionist in the local middle school. However, her mission is to reveal the important voice of each woman and teach her how to share her overcoming God 
It is Lisa’s true passion for Jesus and introducing women to Him, which flows in and through and around all the open moments of her everyday life. 
Connect with Lisa on her blog here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight