Daily Delight
Christmas time is one of my favorite times of year, as it is for many people. I love celebrating Jesus' birth with family, as well as the gift giving, the jammies, the Christmas music—all of it. But when December 26th rolls around, my mind immediately enters "get ready for the new year" mode. I get out my planner, my cute notepads, and I excitedly write down my goals for the next year. The thoughts of Jesus' birth are replaced with thoughts of a fresh start and new resolutions. It's just a good feeling to have a written plan for our new goals, isn't it? However, if you're like me, the next Christmas comes, and you realize that you haven't thought about Jesus' birth all year.
What if, instead of Christmas being the only time we celebrate Jesus' birth, we celebrate it all year long? When December 26th is here, I don't want to pack up the excitement of our Savior coming to the world with the ornaments and put them in storage until next year. I want to celebrate Him all year long. Then, when Christmas comes around, it is an abundant amount of celebrating, but it's not the only time I celebrate. Maybe you already are doing this! If so, I'm inspired by you and want to see that in my own life.
{photo: @ardorphoto}
Krista Leicy
Krista is a 22 year old newlywed who loves Jesus, coffee, and her puppies. She loves relaxing with her husband, spending time with her family, and going on coffee dates with her closest friends. She has a passion for writing and hopes to someday write and publish women's devotional and books! |