Daily Delight

Call me weird, but I am not a big fan of surprises. I like to know everything. I want to see and know what is coming my way at all times. I am not good at diving into the unknown without all of the facts. Tell me everything, please, so that I may be able to plan for every possible curveball that comes my way. And once you tell me everything, I like to act out every possible scenario in my head so I can be prepared for any outcome. Is anyone else like this? 

This mentality often conflicts with my wanting to know what to expect in my future. I struggle with the not knowing and go to prayer asking God for just one small hint of what is to come. Sometimes He is kind and will give me a small glimpse through Scripture, a kind word from a friend or dreams. But oftentimes He pushes me to wait and trust. And, oh boy, for my need-to-know-everything self, that answer is hard.

It is not God's will for us to know everything; He wants us to trust Him in the plan that He has for us. When I struggle with my future and not knowing everything, God often points me to Jeremiah 29:11-13: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart" (ESV). You may be uncertain and stressed about what the future holds and whether or not God cares about the things that are on your heart. But rest in this—God holds everything in His hands. Although we may not always see His plan right away, God's plans for us are good. And thankfully, we can rest assured that we will spend our future with Him. 

{photo: @joyfullychristiana}
About the Author
Alexis Newlin

Alexis is a 34-year-old lover of Jesus, loose leaf tea, rollercoasters, and adventures. Originally from Marietta GA, Alexis now resides in Fresno, CA where she works as a recreation therapist at Valley Children's. Alexis enjoys teaching and encouraging kids that they can do and be anything they want, despite their disability.

When not at work, you can find Alexis outdoors enjoying a walk in her neighborhood, scoping out the newest food truck, hanging out with friends or planning her next trip. Her church, The Revival Center, and family mean the world to her. They have supported her through the loss of her mother and a cancer diagnosis. 

Through her trials and triumphs, God has pushed her to share her faith and encourage others through her writing. Writing is something she is passionate about and it is a joy for her to share her walk with God and encourage others.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight