Daily Delight

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We have been deceived on what a woman should be, the way a woman should look and how a woman should carry herself.
The flawless Instagram photos, filtered selfies, the independent “I don’t need a man” mentality followed by the Facebook highlight reel of good day after good day intentionally leaving out the struggle. 

Everyone looks in the mirror and wants something to be different. Darker, lighter, thinner, thicker.
We all think that in order to be desirable we have to look a certain way and that our beauty is what makes us desirable. And to be beautiful you have to have on a full face of makeup and have your hair done at all times.

Instagram is full of women and men exposing and selling themselves short for likes and followers. It has to stop. Our generation and even the generation following ours has been deceived.
It’s a sin problem and it’s called idolatry. We idolize our image and how we appear to others. People look for wholeness in sin, people, drugs, alcohol, their relationship status, brands, clothes, makeup, having the perfect hair, perfect houses, cars, jobs and even education. 

I’m not saying that all of these things are bad, but I am saying that it is possible for them to become an idol in your life. You cause something to become an idol by paying too much attention to it and giving it power over you.
Today, God is saying, “That stuff has your heart, but I want your heart.” 

We have to get the lies out of us and the truth into us. And the way we do that is by feeding ourselves the word of God. Memorizing scripture and meditating on the truth instead of scrolling through the lies.
You are enough. Always have been, always will be.

Even more than that, God is enough . He is enough for you. You don’t need any of those other vices as long as you have Him. He is the only one that can and will sustain you. He will never let you down.

God made you holy and blameless in His sight. Not just the person whose Instagram you love to look at. You. 

Believe it.
"Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful." -1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
Photo: @jaydaiye
About the Author

Cassie Rogers
Cassie is a 26-year-old Dallas native, passionate about seeing this generation live and walk in the fullness of Christ. She was not raised in the church but was found by Christ as a 20-year-old, alcohol-addicted college student. Fast forward 6 years, she is currently a Christian Ministry major advancing into the fields of Biblical and Theological Studies. She also serves on the altar ministry team at her home church. When she is not providing care for patients as a Dermatologist's assistant she is usually hitting the gym, reading a book, studying, spending time with her friends and family or writing for her blog.
Her passion for the transforming and renewing love of Christ has fueled her to create her own personal blog. The mission of her blog is to inform and inspire wholeness. You can read more from Cassie at www.iamcassierogers.com

Daily Delight


Daily Delight