Daily Delight

"I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds." -Psalm 77: 12 (ESV)

After Mary, the mother of Jesus, was visited by the angels and shepherds, she found time to ponder on the favor that God had rested upon her life. 

 “And they (the shepherds) went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.” -Luke 2: 16-19 (ESV) 

This "pondering" involved spending time in deep reflection. Mary may have thought about every single detail of the incredible birth of the long awaited Savior. She may have pondered on the miraculous message that she received from the angel or reflected on her incredible pregnancy story. Or, she may have considered the uncomfortable trip to Bethlehem. Whatever the details of her time of reflection, her ability to look back was one way that she chose to celebrate the gift of Jesus’ birth with great joy.

We too can celebrate with great joy the good things that Jesus has faithfully given to us this past year.
We can ponder, reflect and consider where God has brought us from, where He has us and where He is gently leading us. I’m challenging you to engage in meaningful reflection. Set aside a block of time. Unplug from all distractions and prayerfully think on the year past with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Consider the situations that you handled well and those you did not handle well. Think about situations that challenged you the most or stunted your spiritual growth the most. Think about how God revealed Himself to you. Reflect on the ideas you had to let go of and those you had to readjust. Consider what you could have done differently and what you should have done more of. 

After you have completed this, like Mary, find time to praise God for His extended mercies and guidance.
{photo: @andreacociuba}
About the Author

Dentrecia Blanchette

Dentrecia is a creative nurturer from the island of St. Kitts who is learning, growing and evolving with Christ, grace and a smile. She is the Founder of Sugar For Your Heart (@sugarforyourheart) – a ministry that’s focused on creating quiet and safe spaces where individuals can explore and better understand and appreciate emotional and spiritual wellness.

Dentrecia is also a counselling psychology graduate student at California Southern University. She is committed to dispelling the myths and stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment, particularly in the Caribbean and Christian community.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight