Daily Delight

For unto us a gift was given—the unanticipated moment where heaven reached down and touched earth so that humanity could be liberated from destruction. Eternity was freely showered on us so that we could sing a new song. An unexpected love moved our hearts so that we could be forever changed. He had victory so that we could live without fear.

So often I allow situations to have victory over me. It becomes easy to allow the enemy to feed anxiety, fear, and confusion into my heart. I forget the finished work of the cross—that Christ has already conquered these things in His death and resurrection. It’s so important for us to remind ourselves, sisters, of the gift given to us—a victorious one, given to us in love.

We have a lot of authority over the lies that the enemy may throw at us. Psalm 38 speaks of our enemies being unable to gloat over us in God’s strength. We have the power to say no because we are always already victorious in Christ’s name. As the gift of grace brings freedom, we can live in peace for His rest is out dwelling place (Colossians 3:15).

My dear sisters, seek peace with all your heart, for God has given that to us in Christ’s victory. The Rock, our salvation, is our assurance. In moments of anxiety, we can refuse the enemy’s triumph knowing our God has already conquered our foe.
{photo: @ardorphoto}
About the Author

Jess Palmer
Jess is a designer and innovator in Pretoria, South Africa. Her heart is to express the beauty of our Father’s heart through all forms of art, but mainly through her design, poetry and photography. She desires to invest in the lives of people around her — to journey with them in cultivating their God-given potential. If anywhere, you will find Jess musing in a coffee shop or wandering contemplatively in a garden.
Check out her design on Instagram: @salt.seed

Daily Delight


Daily Delight