Daily Delight

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. -2 Peter 3:9 (ESV) 

Are you in a season of waiting? Do you find yourself asking God ‘what, when and how’ with a confused and anxious heart? I know I do. I’m currently in between jobs with my next appointment unconfirmed. I will be sitting for professional qualification examinations in a few months so it feels like I’m a student all over again. I’m in a happy committed relationship with a great man of God but marriage isn’t on the books yet. So very often I wake up in the morning asking, ‘Please Lord, can you give me some clarity today!

But when I go back to His Word, when I invite His Spirit to still my heart and to bring my eyes back to Him, I am reminded that He has given us something far greater than clarity – He has given us certainty through the ultimate promise of our Savior Jesus Christ who has come and will come again. When the world tells us we’ve hit a roadblock and there doesn’t seem to be a way forward, God assures us that He will make the path and finish the work that He has started within and through us. 

When our first instinct is to fight and struggle, God encourages us to rest in Him. In fact, 2 Peter 3 reminds us that we are called to always be in a season of waiting until the Day of the Lord. This is because we have a good and patient Father who is committed to giving his blessed daughters what’s best for us, when it’s best for us and only if it’s the best for us. And this best lies in the hope that His entire creation may find fulfillment and salvation in Jesus Christ. 
Let us spend some time seeking the Lord today, asking Him to give us a spirit of waiting on Him - to long for Him to shape our lives to reveal His glory, to renew our hope in being made in the likeness of Jesus Christ and to anticipate the greater good He has promised us.

{photo: @byhannahrose}

About the Author
Rebecca Wong≫ ≫ Raised in a non-Christian family in Singapore, Rebecca encountered the boundless love and saving grace of Jesus Christ at university in London. While it has not always been easy to remain faithful, God has been unwavering and relentless in His pursuit of her. 
An aspiring lawyer-in-training, Rebecca believes in the power of words, especially those fueled by the Word of God. When she's not reading and writing for work, she enjoys being outdoors, from scuba-diving around Southeast Asia to taking long walks around reservoirs while contemplating the Psalms with her boyfriend. 
Over the next few months, Rebecca hopes to grow in sensitivity to the Lord's Spirit so as to serve the Daughter of Delight community through ways in which He intends. 

Daily Delight


Daily Delight