Guest Writer Sunday

Pesky objects that get in the way of our goals.

Roadblocks and inconveniences.

But what if God places obstacles in our life to bring us closer to Him?

I was born with a disability called Cerebral Palsy. I can’t walk on my own; I rely on a walker and wheelchair to get around. Life is pretty normal, but everything I do takes an extra push (no pun intended)!

Life can easily get overwhelming. I have hopes and dreams that I long to accomplish, yet sometimes it seems like my disability holds me back.

When anxiety starts to plague my heart and mind, I have to remind myself of this simple yet powerful truth: Without obstacles, I wouldn’t need God to guide my path.

Think about it: If we didn’t experience hardships, we would have no reason to lean on God. We wouldn’t see His glory shine through our challenges.

I believe God performs His greatest work when He hands us challenges--you just have to trust Him.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Living with CP isn’t easy; navigating life in a wheelchair can be daunting. However, I have been able to travel to several countries and witness the beauty of God’s creation. My wheelchair has allowed me to experience life!

Throughout my life, God has spun multiple challenges into valuable lessons and sweet memories. Honestly, I probably would have taken these blessings for granted if I was born “normal.”

Friends, instead of dreading obstacles, let’s view them as opportunities to zoom out of our problems and look at the bigger picture. Within each obstacle we face, God plants wonderful treasures in them to strengthen our faith.

Life can be messy and just plain hard. But at the same time, God gives us our biggest blessings through our biggest challenges. Whatever challenge you are facing right now, trust that God can turn any sticky situation into a beautiful lesson.

{pictured: @kaitvanhoff ; photographer: @littlebrades}

About the Author

Lyndi Locke≫ ≫
 Lyndi Locke is a 2016 graduate of Lipscomb University, where she majored in Journalism. During her time at Lipscomb, Lyndi’s faith flourished greatly. These days, she strives to share her faith with friends and family; lifting people up through faith brings her joy! She is an avid blogger, foodie and fashion enthusiast. Lyndi also loves getting lost in the pages of a good book, and aspires to pen her own someday. She could spend hours socializing, as well as going to concerts. You can read Lyndi’s musings of fashion, beauty, books and faith at


Daily Delight


Daily Delight