Daily Delight

On the radio, an old familiar Christmas carol plays softly as background music. Passing through the room, my mind swirls with thoughts of all I need to accomplish today. Suddenly, I tune in to these words from "Joy to the World": "Joy to the World, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room…" I had just read those words: "While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn" (Luke 2:6-7, NIV). I have to stop now and ask myself, Have I made room for Him in my own life? Have I received Him? Yes! He sought me out. He proved His love for me first, and then I received Him, His love and His gift of belonging in His family.

But, have I made room for Him lately?

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I received a surprise request. A friend of a friend called to ask if he and his family might rent our basement apartment while they look for a house to buy. We were thrilled to be asked. And we are delighted to give of what little space we have, but would it be enough for their precious family of five?

Immediately, my husband and I jumped into action to clean out all the stuff of our own that we’ve accumulated in that space—years of stuff stored in the closets, things our sons left behind when they went to college, old books, and ski gear from that one trip out west. All stuff we thought we might need again sometime, which we haven’t. And now, it needed to be pulled out and sorted, thrown and given away, because we were making room for a family to come to live with us.

We’re so grateful for this opportunity to make room. This precious family has given us a fresh awareness of the importance to clean out the old stuff of our hearts, as well. We need to make room for our King. 

Let us receive Him. Let us prepare Him room. Heaven and nature sings. And let us sing of the wonders of His love. 
{photo: @ardorphoto}

About the Author
Lisa Brittain


Lisa Brittain and her husband, Randy, will soon be married 30 years. Together they are parents of two adult sons, and share their home with three adopted pups. By day Lisa works as a receptionist in the local middle school. However, her mission is to reveal the important voice of each woman and teach her how to share her overcoming God 
It is Lisa’s true passion for Jesus and introducing women to Him, which flows in and through and around all the open moments of her everyday life. 
Connect with Lisa on her blog here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight