Daily Delight

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:33-34
I have always felt anxiety and worry. Since I can remember, worry has been a part of how I think and operate. Have you ever met someone who just cruises through life worry free? Have you met someone whose faith doesn’t waver, even when the evidence screams mess and confusion?
Well, I have. And I use to be so angry and jealous of the posture of their heart. How could they be walking through life unshaken, unworried, and not moved by their situation? 
Their Hope in our Father. Their Faith in Him. 
Like Matthew 6:32 says, really and truly, each day carries its own weight and worry. The weight of carrying it all breaks us and exhausts us. God wants to carry it for us. He wants to take the weight of it from us.
I used to chase the faith that seemed to fix worrying. I prayed harder for it, asked God to pour it down on me. I strived for it but felt stuck. I was tired of worrying. 
Worrying - it’s something that our flesh always resorts to. Our lives are lived on edge about the tomorrow, the what ifs, and the things in tension. We live planning for the unexpected and push to have it all down to a science. The Life plan, the thing that needs fixing, the obstacles to overcome- if we just had a plan, then surely it would be bullet proof of worry. Things would go as planned and run smoothly. But that’s not life, that’s not how it goes.
Life is full of unexpected things. Trials will come. They're inevitable. And, as much as we plan and prepare, worry will always seem to somehow creep in too. The more that we practice looking to Him when things don’t make sense, and the more that we trust His will and plan for us, then we will grow in our faith with Him in all things. It’s a lack of control that gets us all uncalibrated. When things seem out of our control, we reach for more control, to regain control.  But God wants us to reach to Him first, before reaching back for control. He wants us to seek Him First, and all the things that are from Him will be given unto us. Things like peace, active rest, joy, and faith.
Rest in Him, Sweet sister. Rest in His plan and His will for us. Seek Him first, and remember that He is there, to walk through and out of the storm with you. Worry not, But Trust in Him.
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Photo: @dreacoci

Alexandra Hoover

Daily Delight


Daily Delight