Daily Delight

I’m a mom of three beautiful boys, and wife to a godly hard-working man. I live in a custom home in the middle of California on an acre of property with chickens, fruit orchard, and veggie garden. But often I find myself depressed and irritable. I tell myself, “If I could just have a girlfriend to hang with, I’d be happier…” or “If there was actually somewhere to go and have fun once in a while that wasn’t an hour away, I wouldn’t mind so much having to wash dishes, fold laundry, and homeschool all the time…” or “If my hubby would take the time to be romantic, I wouldn’t drag myself into the kitchen but would make dinner with a much more cheerful attitude….” 

As you’ve seen from the opening sentence, I have a fabulous life. I get to stay home with my kids, and do what I love, writing. I get to do my household chores on my own schedule, instead of fitting them in whenever I happen to be off work, etc. I’m not starving, incarcerated, destitute, or a single mother. The only thing keeping me from praising God with my heart, mouth, and time is myself. How easy it is to grow discontent because I have to wash dirty clothes, or listen to boys singing at the top of their lungs, or because I hate the dog. Selfish. Pure and simple. God has been so good to me. 
Why can’t I feel it? Why can’t I see it? It makes me weep at the depravity of my own soul when I think about how GOOD I’ve got it! I don’t know you…I don’t know your situations in life. But I do know that God is good, and if you’re in America you’re blessed. Look at all of the great things in your life, and praise Him. 
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” -Psalm 9:1
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.” Psalm 28:7
I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” -Psalm 34:1

{photo: @mariadanielledoka}

About the Author

Liz Rigby≫ ≫
 Liz clutches at whatever writing time she can get when she's not cleaning, laundering, cooking, homeschooling, and otherwise taking care of the love of her life and their three boys. To offset the busy stress of life, Liz loves nothing better than either writing, painting, creating music, or spending time with friends. Having graduated from Bible college and passed through the baby-making phase, Liz is eager for the next step and ministry that God has for her, and is excited to have a part in the Daughter of Delight team, where she hopes her words will point others to His exquisite glory.

For more of Liz's writing visit her blog plungedeep-climbsteep.com, or find her on Instagram @plungedeepclimbsteep.


Guest Writer Sunday


Daily Delight