Guest Writer Sunday

"When he calls to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him." - Psalm 91:15

As I took some time to reflect on Psalm 91:15, I received a sweet taste of the compassion and faithfulness of the Lord. God answers us as we call on Him. He is with us, even in trouble, and He is the One who rescues and honors us.

This verse is timely for me. Recently, I’ve been crying out to the Lord because I have become very aware that there will always be a constant battle between the flesh and the Spirit.

I can say that serving the Lord in Kenya has not been something my flesh appreciates or loves. Each day becomes harder and harder as my prayer and desire is for the old man (the flesh) to die and the new man (the Spirit) to thrive. But isn't this the whole point of serving the Lord?

It’s not to be comfortable, it’s not to be “happy,” it’s to serve Him with all my heart, laying down the comforts and lusts of the flesh. In that, there will be trouble and trial. It will be hard and it has been hard, but as I walk from a place of surrender and faithfulness to Him, it is amazing to experience His faithfulness and supernatural work that takes place within my life. The truth is, I would rather lose my life here and find it solely in Him than gain the whole world, yet be without His presence.

It doesn’t matter where I go or stay, serving the Lord means that I will undergo trials and hardships because there is an enemy that is out to destroy and tear down in any way possible (1 Peter 5:8-9).

But as Psalm 91:15 says, if we call upon Him, He answers and He is always be with us.

God is the rescuer, the Savior, the strong refuge in which we can take shelter. He will always be faithful to us, even in the midst of our darkest moments and most trying times.

Do not lose heart, friends. Know that God is with you, always seeking to be in fellowship and communion with you. Do not forsake the time, but cry out to Him. Our Father not only makes a way of escape from the enemy, He is also the One who will rescue and pull you out of the reach of corruption and darkness.

Have faith knowing that He is working for your good and wants to keep you from the enemy's schemes.

Anytime you find yourself going through trials, take it as a lesson and opportunity to cry out and find refuge in Him. This is what causes true growth and strength…when it’s found only in Him.

"Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.“ -Psalm 50:15
{photo: @inwardly_renewed
About the Author

Tanisha Schuster≫ ≫  Tanisha is from Oklahoma, but currently lives in Rongai, Kenya on a mission with the Pottersfield Ignite program. She loves the Lord with all her heart and her desire is to continually walk in His Spirit and be an empty vessel for Him to shine through and use for His glory.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight