Daily Delight

Sometimes bad things happen. I don’t think anybody denies that. We have bad days, bad seasons, occasionally we may even look back over a whole year only glad to see it over.
But this morning I want to remind you of something...something exciting. Take a look at Romans 8:28 with me: 

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." 

Did you notice that God works “all things” for good? Not most, not a few, but all. Daringly, I ask you to think of the moments that have been difficult for you recently. This may be painful at first but then I want you to read that verse again. Maybe even change it to: ‘In *enter difficult situation* God works for my good, and I have been called according to His purpose’. I had to learn to do this just this summer. In one day I was told two massive pieces of unrelated bad news, both with major impacts on my foreseeable future. But by God’s incredible peace and love, I went to bed that night confident in the knowledge that God would work everything for my good, and for His glory. And He has remained faithful.

From now on, try to bring your struggles and trials to God as soon as possible. “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you,” (1 Peter 5:7, NLT). And then, while this won’t be easy, try to leave them with God. Don’t, a few hours later, be asking God for your troubles back so you can worry about them some more. Leave them at His loving and gracious feet.

We have a God who can turn dry bones to flesh (Ezekiel 37:1-14). That means He can take the rubbish, the stagnant, the dead, the broken things in your life and bring them to life. And above all, we have a God whose love for us is indescribably deep. Rest in that.


About the Author

Naomi Grace Armstrong≫ ≫
 Naomi is a nineteen-year-old university student who spends more time in Church and with her friends than she actually does studying for her English and Journalism degree! She lives in the rainiest city in the UK (Manchester) - but that doesn't stop her from spending lots of time walking, listening to her immensely long Spotify 'Praise' playlist and coffee shop hopping. She has a passion for overseas mission and has been a worship leader for some time now.


Daily Delight


Guest Writer Sunday