Daily Delight

I believe that my body is a holy temple, beautiful and designed with a purpose, as valuable for what it will house as for what it is — just as it is. I believe this body is a place in which holy covenant lives — where promises are made, vows kept, and sacred blessing covers all. This body, beautiful and acceptable to the Lord himself, is a sacred meeting ground for me and my beloved; it is a sacred, safe space for me to meet with my Lord. There is nothing weak or shameful or empty about it, born into this world with everything I needed because the Divine dwells within me.

And it dwells within you. You are a holy temple, beautiful and designed with a purpose, as valuable for what your body can hold as much as for what it is — perfect, as it is right now. Your body is a place in which holy covenant lives — where you have made promises and kept them, where the Lord has made vows to you and meant them, where sacred blessing abounds. Your body: beautiful and acceptable to the Lord himself is a sacred meeting ground — the place where you will come to know and love yourself, where you will be searched and adored and delighted in by your beloved, where you will find refuge, rest, knowledge, and wisdom with the Lord. 
There is nothing, not one inch or wrinkle, shameful about it. You are not empty. You are not paradoxically weak enough to sin and powerful enough to cause someone else to. Your body: as it is, imperfect and perfect, beautiful, clean without shame. Re-born with everything it needed, filled with the Divine, made for a purpose. 
This is who you are: holy and pleasing to God. Believing His word that our bodies are holy and pleasing to is not vanity or pride. Resurrection is a complete act -- not only redeemed spirit, but redeemed body. To love ourselves as He does, this is an act worship.
I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship." -Romans 12:1 (NIV)

About the Author

 Alaina Stratton≫≫Alaina is a writer based in Nashville, TN, where she lives with her husband, Blake. They met in 7th grade band and spend most of their time flirting over cups of well made coffee. Through writing Alaina shares personal stories of moments and movements of the heart; thoughts on identity, marriage, life with God, and more. Her greatest desire is to encourage others towards deeper intimacy with themselves and the Lord.

She also writes for her personal blog (www.alainastratton.com) and podcasts alongside her husband for White Flag Wealth: a journey into God’s promise of abundant life (available in iTunes or wherever you download podcasts

Daily Delight


Daily Delight