Have you ever been rejected or betrayed by someone you love? The sting is deep. When it is someone close to you, it can be difficult to ever trust this person again. But despite all this, we are still called to forgive or remain unforgiven (Matthew 6:14-15).
Last week while reading Jesus' last days, I kept getting caught up on the betrayal of Judas and Peter and how He forgave them. Judas was chosen to be one of Jesus' disciples, a close confidant. Judas spent so much time in Christ's presence and yet, Judas betrayed him. He traded Jesus for 30 pieces of silver; the price of a slave. Jesus knew Judas would betray Him before he did so and Jesus chose to love him anyway. Jesus continued to keep him in His circle (John 6:70), despite Judas' intentions.
Then there's Peter, who's supposed to be the rock. Peter, who walked on water and exclaimed that Jesus was the son of God, denied Jesus three times. Jesus knew this too. Jesus even told him he would do this! Yet, Jesus loved Peter anyway and sought to restore him. One of my favorite interactions between Peter and Jesus is in John 21. Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him 3 times. Jesus uses this moment to let Peter know that he is forgiven and that he will continue to do amazing things as a disciple of Christ. I know that Jesus would've done the same for Judas too, and it makes me sad that Judas didn't understand that he would be forgiven despite his betrayal.
Forgiveness is not easy, but it is necessary because we live in a fallen world. We will get hurt by those around us. There are two things we can do with that hurt: Forgive and let Christ grow you and that person through the pain, or become the walking wounded, bound by unforgiveness. It is not what Christ wants for us-
He wants us to be free.
About the Author
Alexis Newlin
Alexis is a 34-year-old lover of Jesus, loose leaf tea, rollercoasters, and adventures. Originally from Marietta GA, Alexis now resides in Fresno, CA where she works as a recreation therapist at Valley Children's. Alexis enjoys teaching and encouraging kids that they can do and be anything they want, despite their disability.
When not at work, you can find Alexis outdoors enjoying a walk in her neighborhood, scoping out the newest food truck, hanging out with friends or planning her next trip. Her church, The Revival Center, and family mean the world to her. They have supported her through the loss of her mother and a cancer diagnosis.
Through her trials and triumphs, God has pushed her to share her faith and encourage others through her writing. Writing is something she is passionate about and it is a joy for her to share her walk with God and encourage others.