Daily Delight

A few days ago, I woke up feeling incredibly overwhelmed. To-do lists began forming in my mind long before I opened my eyes. Starting the morning with God was at the bottom of my list.

For some reason, however, I decided to crack open my Bible and read a little before getting out of bed. I landed on Philippians 3:8-11 where Paul talks about disregarding everything for the sake of knowing Christ. In verse 8, Paul writes, “Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Paul even goes so far as to say that he wants to share in Christ’s sufferings, that he might also experience the resurrection with Christ. That’s no small statement! Paul found infinite value in knowing Jesus and spending time in His presence.

This begs the question: 

What are my priorities? What are your priorities? 
I’ll be honest. I have prioritized work, relationships, and my personal health and wellness goals above God in this season. It’s left me stressed and exhausted, constantly trying to control my environment. Thankfully, God is patient and full of grace, always ready to bring us back into the fold. 
Maybe you’re like me, and you’ve gotten your priorities a little backwards lately. Take some time to meditate on Matthew 6:33, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” There’s no need to stress or strive! Jesus promises to provide, all we need to do is to fix our eyes and minds on Him. 
May we become more like Paul, understanding the infinite value of knowing Christ and prioritizing Him above all else. 
{photo: @joyfullychristiana}

About the Author

Kira Echeandia
Kira is a recent transplant to the Dallas-Ft. Worth area who is passionate about Jesus, social justice, and baked goods. She loves to travel and can be found in Belgium consuming copious amounts of chocolate about once a year. Her dream is to start a business that incorporates both intentional community and sustainable consumerism but is still praying about what this could look like. Kira is both thrilled and honored to write for Daughter of Delight in this season and looks forward to seeing where her passion for writing will take her.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight