Daily Delight

I am an avid believer in the role of community in the lives of followers of Jesus. It is an innate craving deep within us. Being a part of a community is important for our spiritual walk in every season- especially in seasons marked with difficulty and pain. However, I don’t know if our human nature lends itself easily to engage in relationships that require honesty and vulnerability.

When things get difficult we tend to go one of two ways. We either pretend that everything is okay or we isolate ourselves and run from those closest to us. We probably do this because we are afraid to reveal the worst of ourselves to those who are closest to us in fear that they will push us away. Or, perhaps because they will confirm our worst fears; that we are a failure or we are unworthy of love. Truth be told, none of the beliefs I am suggesting hold any weight of truth. The goal of fear itself is to make us think otherwise.

What would it look like if we were to move past ourselves and, rather than run from those who are closest to us, we pressed in harder, leaned in closer and asked them for help when we needed it?

I believe our hearts would be happier and healthier. Having people in your life who will champion you, cry with you and hold your heart is vital for spiritual growth. If we didn’t need one another, God wouldn’t have given us one another. We were created for community.

I also want you to know that as much as you need others, you are also needed. People need to hear your story. Someone needs to know that you have walked through pain, you have survived and you continue to carry hope deep in your heart. You have something to give today because you have Jesus.

I want to challenge you to ask for help if you need it. Run to the community you are so desperately craving. But more than that, let your story of transformation bring hope and life to someone else.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.
-Galatians 6:2 (NIV)

About the Author
Steph McGown
Steph loves Jesus, coffee, and music- anything folk, alternative or Taylor Swift. You’ll normally find her sitting in her favourite spot at her local coffee store, she is a creature of habit. Originally from Ireland, Steph recently moved to Thunder Bay, Ontario, to work as worship and creative arts intern at Redwood Park church. It’s the best decision she has ever made. 
Her heart is for the local church and she avidly believes in the role of community in the lives of followers of Jesus.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight