Daily Delight

Do false stories run your thought life? Those that claim your life is failing? Your career did not deliver? The “successful” lives of others cause you to label your life as invaluable? Marriage or motherhood is in a season you never saw coming? Is that you?Well, it’s me too.Remember the depressive cries of Job questioning God? Job’s circumstances brought forth confusion and doubting the reason for his life. He teetered on the edge of losing trust in God’s ways and care. (Job 10) Like Job, I know God is God. Even when days are hard, I can claim such truth. Yet, in those hard times, my “stories” create a tempting path of losing trust in God.It’s okay to question God, but in those questions, are we waiting on Him or turning to our false stories?It is easy to live in our stories rather than God’s story. In doing so, we view life and make decisions based on a false story. A story that focuses on plots of fear and worryThen, right there in my story, God makes Himself known!God did not tell Job why things were the way they were. God told Job who God was! Think about your worst situation and then think about who God is. The God who tucked this earth into a secret place of the universe. The God who brings sunlight streaming into your home at just the right moment. The God who sees what we do not see. After reading, Job 38-42, I can’t help but let the following words penetrate: My ‘stories’ only steal the hope that my real eternal story is being worked out by the same God who spoke life into existence.Did Job know God thought so highly of him, that He allowed the enemy to infiltrate his life just to show that Job, in complete brokenness, would reveal the truth that a human can turn to the Father? (Job 1) That ultimately, God would bless such a human with a real story of redemption as He works through all of his circumstances to cause him to be more Christ-like. To prepare him for the eternal Kingdom.God is in every detail of every story, friends- even yours. Be blessed by this truth today!

About the Author

Shauni MacLean

Meet Shauni MacLean, a native of Washington State and a wife of nearly nine years to the only guy (besides her dad) who saw a light in her. Shauni and her husband are parents to two little treasures, Lilly and Molly. She is 31 years old, and aside from wife-life, mama-life and writing, she is a registered nurse in the field of pediatrics.

After receiving God’s comfort and revelation through inner trials over the last seven years, Shauni has been led to be uncomfortably vulnerable with her past and current struggles, as well as the Kingdom of God triumph that follows, so that other women can be encouraged. When Shauni writes, she is thinking of the women that need to know that we are all in the same fight that will lead to victory.

You can be encouraged on your journey as a wife and relate with Shauni on her blog.

You can also receive real life inspiration, from good times to hard times, with her on Instagram.


Daily Delight


Daughter Dilemmas