Daily Delight

I have been married to my sweet husband, Jordan, for almost three years. I am constantly amazed at what God has taught me through marriage.

I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m not a perfect wife. I fall short. I mess up (pretty often). But over and over, Jordan chooses to forgive me. Jordan’s forgiveness towards me is an overflow of the amazing, life-changing forgiveness of God -- the forgiveness that God in turn calls each of us to extend.

Each of us has been hurt deeply in some way -- perhaps by insults, betrayal, gossip, violence. Unfortunately, sometimes this hurt comes directly from fellow Christians. What is our response?

In Colossians 3, Paul reminds us that we are to have compassionate hearts. We are to be kind, humble, and meek. We are to have patience with others. We are to forgive others because God first forgave us.

Forgiveness is not effortless -- in fact, it can often feel impossible. It is easier to hold a grudge or take offense than it is to let go of hurt. But unforgiveness breeds bitterness, and bitterness breeds hate. And hate is the opposite of love, which is fundamental to the character of God.

Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” -1 John 4:8 (ESV)

Friends, we must forgive, because we are called to love. Today, pray sincerely for those who have hurt you. Ask God to show you if you’re holding any unforgiveness or offense in your heart, and ask Him to replace it with forgiveness and with His love.

Desire to forgive others, just as God first forgave us.

About the Author

Kirsten Fernandes

Kirsten is a 27-year-old freelancer who is passionate about sharing the love of God with others! She currently writes and designs in addition to teaching English to non-native speakers. She lives in Nashville, TN, with her husband and best friend, Jordan. Together they lead a small group at their church and serve in the Nashville community.
Kirsten fills up her free time with writing, participating in triathlons, reading, hiking, hanging out with friends, and traveling with her husband. She and Jordan aspire to visit all seven continents together!
Connect with Kirsten on Instagram here and on her husband's blog here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight