Send Me

Daughter of Delight | Blogs for Women | Christian Women Inspiration | Christian Women's Ministry | Women's Devotional | Devotional for Women | Christian Quotes | Christian Women | Bible Verse Graphics | Online Women's Ministry | Blogs for Christian Women  When my husband and I were living in Northern Ireland, there was a hymn frequently sung in our church that addressed our willingness as individuals to fully serve the Lord, to go wherever He called us to go, and for us to go obediently. It was a nice hymn until our final Sunday (the Lord was calling us to serve in London), and we started to sing that song. I started to feel the weight, the honor, the fear, and the excitement that comes with a calling from the Lord.

The Perfect Will of God

Through all my emotions, I kept thinking “Am I sufficient for this? Am I ready for this? My life is comfortable. Why would He want to change this?”
It is easy to cast our view of what is “perfect” upon the will of God and consequently judge and question what He does because it’s not what we would have done.

Perfect Mission, Imperfect People

When reading through Matthew 1, we come across the genealogy of Jesus. If you read carefully, you will notice the names of Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, the wife of Uriah (Bathsheba), and Mary. This list is not only unusual because it includes the names of women, but it exhibits situations and events that we certainly would not cast as “perfect.” Through heartbreak, betrayal, barrenness, and immaculate conception, Jesus came to fulfill his mission through a line of imperfect people.

Send Me

Jesus may be calling you to a new kind of service for Him and it might feel too large and too overwhelming. But I encourage you to not put God into a box. He does not belong in a box of your preconceived notions; He does not come to us for a final stamp of approval. The plans have already been made, they are perfect (maybe beyond what we can understand right now, but no less perfect), and all He asks of you is to say “Okay, God how will you use me?”
Let us strive to be like Isaiah in Isaiah 6:8, "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?' Then I said, 'Here I am! Send me'" (ESV).


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Author of “Send Me"

Sarah Perkins

This year, Sarah will celebrate not only her 30th birthday but also her 20th year of being a Christian.
Her roots are in Alabama, grew up in Northern California, but has now called the UK home for nearly five years.  Sarah is married to Harrison, who is the assistant minister at London City Presbyterian Church, who just released his first book this year on Covenant Theology.
She oversees the Chinese division of an educational consultancy in North London and is passionate about being a life-long learner. In her spare time, she enjoys reading classic novels, traveling, creating art over at @illustratedtheology, and discovering new music.

Focus on the Son


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