Stones Rolled Away

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We all have them- those callings or dreams that feel so unrealistic we struggle to say them out loud. Has the Lord pressed something (big or small) on your heart, but you just can’t see past the obstacles to begin?

You want to share the Gospel with your neighbor… but surely they would be offended when you mention faith. You’d like to glorify the Lord with your own business… but surely the finances would be impossible. You’d love to read through the whole Bible… but surely you won’t have consistent enough time. I’d love to write a book… but surely my engineering degree didn’t train me for that.

Mark 16

Many of us are gifted in practical planning, but when it comes to obeying the Lord, we have a tendency to look further ahead than we ought. In Mark 16, three women want to anoint Jesus' crucified body…but there’s a potential problem. “And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. And they were saying to one another, ‘Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?’” (Mark 16:2-3, ESV). If it were me, I wouldn’t have even left my house without a plan for this giant rock. I would have wanted to honor Jesus… but that obstacle was just literally too big.

Salome, Mary, and Mary show up anyway. They’re not sure how they’re going to move the boulder, but when they get there, it doesn’t matter. The stone was already rolled away. (Mark 16:4) At the tomb, not only are their theoretical problems solved-- they also become the first to discover the resurrection of Jesus!

Stones Rolled Away

How many of us have worried and delayed over potential boulders in our future, only to get there and see that the Lord always had a plan for them?

Friend, start the conversation with your neighbor. Draft a business plan. Start reading Genesis. Put pen to paper. As you make plans for the new year ahead, don’t let theoretical obstacles dictate your choices. If the Lord is leading you down a path, the stones you foresee may very well be rolled away already.


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Author of “Stones Rolled Away”Anna Taylor

Anna is overwhelmingly thankful for the grace of God and the shaping of her faith through women’s bible studies and C.S. Lewis books. After studying biomedical engineering and working in medical device regulation, she discovered her passion for bridging science and logic with a love of God’s word. This past year, Anna took a leap of faith to pursue a Master’s in Science and Religion, moving from Washington, DC to Edinburgh, Scotland with her encouraging husband, Austin. She hopes to continue writing with a focus on reconciling the word of God with science, suffering, and skepticism.
In her free time, Anna loves hiking, reading, and exploring Scotland. You can find her on Instagram here!



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