The First Christmas

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Getting presents for others at Christmas is [fill in the bank].


Whether you were done with your shopping on October 1 or are waiting until December 24 to rush to your local mall, Christmas presents have got you feeling some sort of [fill in the blank] way.

The First Christmas

Let’s travel back in time to the first Christmas where there were no online shopping sales, just Jesus cuddled on some hay, some shepherds freaking out in a field with angels, and some guys from the east bearing jars of smelly things- the names of which I need spell check for.

The best gift given that day wasn’t bought with money, a 50% off promo code, or free two-day shipping.

The best gift that day was God in human form.

The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” -John 1:14 (ESV)

God Gave the Gift of Himself

Our relational, 3-in-1 God came to walk, talk, and feel alongside us. He gave the gift of Himself so He could have a relationship with you.

He dwelt among us so you could dwell forever with Him.

We’re a couple of thousands of years out from Jesus’ first birthday, and something has definitely gotten lost in translation. When did the greatest relational gift we have ever received changed into giving each other sweaters and gift cards?

Shake Things Up

What if, this year, you respond to God’s gift of Himself by also giving relationally?

What if you gave your time, your energy, your hospitality, and your talents? Cook a meal for your neighbor. Adventure somewhere with your bestie. Design a logo for your friend’s new business. Do a homemade activity with your family. Create, host, bake, explore, craft, [fill in the blank]. (And read the book Advent Conspiracy: Making Christmas Meaningful (Again) for more counter-cultural ways to celebrate Jesus’ birthday!)

Shake things up this year like Jesus did on that first Christmas. Don’t put a price tag on your gifts: give of yourself instead.


Did you enjoy "The First Christmas"? Find more encouragement from Meghan here!Want more? Check out part three of our special Advent podcast series, Paving the Way, here

Author of "The First Christmas"Meghan Mellinger

Meghan works with college students by day and writes meaningful/silly stuff by night. Her goal is to use her unique voice to share God’s truth in a relevant and real way to our generation of young adult women.
Meghan lives amongst the cacti and mountains of Phoenix, Arizona. “Wanderlust” should be her middle name as she spends her free time traveling and exploring God’s creation, chasing joy-giving moments with friends, laughing loudly, and buying yet another pillow she doesn’t actually need for her apartment.



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