The Light of Christ

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For many, the Christmas season carries joyful light in a season of darkness. As the hours of sunlight diminish, the cheer of family traditions and candlelight church services bring hope. As the temperatures drop, twinkle lights and quilted stockings bring thrills. However, this season of hope and promise can often exacerbate the darkness and suffering already present.

Too Much to Bear

This year, it can feel like our world is broken beyond repair. Have you read headlines of natural disasters, watched loved one's battle loneliness, or monitored the ever-increasing numbers of people in need? In recent months, I’ve been paralyzed by fear, overcome by grief, and disappointed by failure. And while the external world has devastated me, my own internal selfishness has stopped me in my tracks as well. It can feel like too much to bear.

Jesus Bore it All

Like ours, Jesus’ life was drenched in sorrow. When He became human, He entered into a world of darkness. Born in a barn (His mother likely crying out in labor) and dying on a cross (His mother likely crying out in heartbreak), Jesus’ life was bookended by the painful cries of those around him. The world was seemingly overflowing with darkness, surrounding Jesus with violence, acts of despair, and physical disease. But Jesus was not overcome.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5, ESV).

The Light of Christ

At Christmas, Jesus came into the world as the true light (John 1:9), but He didn’t stop there. “I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness” (John 12:46). Sister, Jesus not only defeated the darkness, He offered us light. He not only conquered your sin and sorrow- He came for it! If you have faith in Jesus, you have more than twinkle lights at your disposal in a season of darkness; you have light itself. That darkness we feel in this holiday season? It will not overcome us.


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Author of “The Light of Christ”Anna Taylor

Anna is overwhelmingly thankful for the grace of God and the shaping of her faith through women’s bible studies and C.S. Lewis books. After studying biomedical engineering and working in medical device regulation, she discovered her passion for bridging science and logic with a love of God’s word. This past year, Anna took a leap of faith to pursue a Master’s in Science and Religion, moving from Washington, DC to Edinburgh, Scotland with her encouraging husband, Austin. She hopes to continue writing with a focus on reconciling the word of God with science, suffering, and skepticism.
In her free time, Anna loves hiking, reading, and exploring Scotland. You can find her on Instagram here!

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