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God’s Presence Is Peace
His very presence is peace. What is the commotion surrounding you? Does it feel like you are in the midst of chaos? Invite God in. He longs to have a special moment with you. He will stop to meet you amidst the hustle and bustle of this life.
Worship In The In-Between
We don’t have to wait until church to bring worship to God. In the in-between days, the trained, worshiping heart finds Him.
The Brokenness Sin Causes
If we truly understood the brokenness and emptiness sin causes, we would be more encouraged to seek Jesus during our temptations and immediately repent of something when we learn it’s in opposition to God’s law. If we knew how destructive our sin is, and desired to flee from it, we wouldn’t keep it a secret.
Imitating God
If we are going to imitate God we must learn to forgive even when it is painful, remembering how much we have been forgive from.
The Road Less Traveled
No matter which path we choose - the road less traveled or not - He is with us. We have plans and visions for our life but God guides our steps. “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps”. This life is an adventure. One we are meant to embark on with God.
Break The Barriers
In order to break the barriers that keep us from pursuing God's assignment for us we have to first remember this one thing.
3 Ways To Fix Your Eyes on Him
When the weight of the world gets to be too much to bear, use these 3 ways to fix your eyes on Him and remember Who holds tomorrow.
Patience and Practice
This same concept of patience and thoughtful behavior can be applied to our spiritual lives. When we rush to grow our faith, or desire to see instant results of our prayer time, Bible reading, or Scripture memory, we lose sight of the purpose of our spiritual disciplines.
Woman After God’s Own Heart
I don’t know about you, but I want to be remembered as a woman after God’s own heart. To achieve this, we follow David’s example. In good times and bad, we praise and draw strength from our Father in Heaven; rejoicing in His mercy.
Live Without Fear
We cannot afford to accept that fear is a part of life. Remember fear is an unwelcome guest that was never sent by God. Instead, He blessed us with tools to combat fear. In doing so, we can change the dark conversations the enemy instigates to those filled with the truth of who God created us to be.
What God Says About Rest
In His perfect timing, God satisfies the empty, tired, burdened soul. Knowing Him and spending time with Him brings replenishment. Depending and waiting on Him brings us what we need.
Seek the True Light
To pursue peace, we must seek the true light...Jesus. The more we consume Jesus, learn about His character, and apply His principles in our life, the more we shine and glorify Him.
Tips For Reading Your Bible
If you struggle to make time for reading your Bible, here are some special tips to consider.
Remember Jesus’ Sacrifice
The way we remember Jesus’ sacrifice is reflected in our spoken words, thoughts, and how we treat other people–even our nonreligious friends.
Freedom of Forgiveness
This is not to encourage us to remain in our sin, but to truly confess and then walk in the freedom of forgiveness intended for us.
We Are Made New
The refresh button on our lives has already been pushed- hallelujah! Friend, we have been made new and washed clean!
You Are the Light of the World
You are the light of the world. God desires us to walk in step with Him. Ask Him about the places of your life that He would help with. Places where He would bring freedom and life. And find yourself shining brightly because of it.